Panic disorder, known in English as "Panic Disorder", is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by extreme anxiety. or have severe fear, discomfort, or discomfort It happens quickly and reaches its peak in 10 minutes, lasts for a while, and then gradually subsides. Symptoms usually go away in about half an hour. After the symptoms disappear,
แทงบอลออนไลน์ the patient is often exhausted. and during panic-free periods The patient is afraid that it will be again. These symptoms may occur spontaneously without triggering factors.
เว็บแทงบอลออนไลน์ It is more common in early adulthood. reduced the ability to work and relationships with close people more tense Patients often think that they have a heart disease or a serious disease, visit the doctor often. The physical examination and special tests will not find any abnormalities. This made me even more worried. So, what am I exactly?