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ข้อความ - smbuycinira

หน้า: [1]
General Community / Viết email giới thiệu bản thân và Transfer
« เมื่อ: 13/06/23, 04:44:22 »
Giả sử nếu chúng ta được giao Chuyển công tác từ người cũ.
Sau đó phải viết email giới thiệu bản thân với các đồng nghiệp mà chúng tôi phải liên hệ.
Tôi nên viết như thế nào?

General Community / Écrivez un e-mail pour vous présenter et transférer
« เมื่อ: 13/06/23, 04:40:16 »
Supposons que nous soyons affectés au travail de transfert de la personne âgée.
Il faut ensuite écrire un mail pour se présenter aux collègues que l'on doit contacter.
Comment dois-je écrire ?

General Community / Apa yang bisa saya gunakan saat ada kebakaran
« เมื่อ: 12/06/23, 05:28:05 »
Selain UPS, apa yang bisa saya gunakan untuk pemadaman listrik dalam sepersekian detik?

General Community / What can I use when there is a fire?
« เมื่อ: 12/06/23, 05:23:08 »
Aside from UPS, what can I use for power outages in a fraction of a second?
Now at home from 6am to 8pm, the power goes down to 190 VAC every day.
So there are both UPS and AVS that can help when the power gradually falls.
But the remaining problem is that when the voltage drop is 0.1 s (220 => 150(assuming value) => 220), the engine relay works 2 times in a row.
will cause the monitor to turn off for a while (plugged into the house's power supply, hit it directly, it will turn off as well)

General Community / Consultar sobre grabación de vídeo
« เมื่อ: 9/06/23, 00:46:55 »
Me gustaría saber qué tipo de cámara es adecuada para la grabación continua de video durante mucho tiempo, como por ejemplo, para grabar un evento anual. ¿Qué tipo de cámara se debe utilizar? ¿Qué es una buena lente? Solo quiero disparar Full-HD, 60 fps es suficiente.

General Community / Inquire about video shooting
« เมื่อ: 9/06/23, 00:42:19 »
I would like to inquire about what type of camera is suitable for continuous video recording for a long time, such as taking a video of an annual event. What kind of camera should be used? What's a good lens? Just want to shoot Full-HD, 60fps is enough.

หน้า: [1]